I first found Eden Invitation through watching Anna Carter's story video during one of my lunch breaks. As I watched her video, tears started rolling down my face and I had to turn away so my co-workers wouldn’t see me and ask what was going on. For the first time, after years of internal turmoil, I was presented with real hope – there was another way to live fully even with this experience! As the video ended, there was a website I could turn to and of course I did. I was starving for resources like this and as soon as I came home from work, I set my eyes upon the calming image of leaves and the words "Come out of hiding." Next step? I read all the available articles and testimonies, and the blog "Invitation to the Longing Ones" was the very first one. That is why it is dear to me to this day.
I wanted to be a part of the EI community from the start, yet at first, I saw my role in being a bystander and a secret cheerleader whose heart was yearning to support this as best as I can. If that meant reading every blog, listening to every podcast and interview or spreading the word of this mission in my circles, I would gladly do my part. After a few years of being in the shadows, I decided to step forward and join one of the book clubs. After the first Zoom call, I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep. I was received with joy and respect. I knew I was welcome here and I still know it.