Triune life. Utterly sufficient in love, bursting forth in glorious overflow. Life and peace in the cool of a garden. Drawing up and in and onward, together with God. Divine communio.
An itinerant man and a sky full of stars. Birth. Growth. Marriage. New Births. Obedience. Mistakes. Repentance. Growth. Death. Rinse in the waters of the Red Sea, wash in the Jordan, repeat. Family grows to nation.
Nation renewed by twelve, by seventy-two, by Martha and Mary and more than a few others. New nation, baptismal people, making their way at pace of foot to the ends of the earth.
You. Me. Us.
Strands of DNA spiraling down generations. Your dad's nose, your mom's smile. Your grandma's wit. Peaceful understanding in your grandfather's silence.
The cultural concerns that stoke your fire. The hobby you were so passionate about as a child, but neglected out of fear or shame. The places that make you come alive. The friends who stood by your side (or aside). The wounds that nearly broke you. The hope that kept fluttering on anyway.
We are ragged heirs to the Divine Story. We are shaped by a thousand more.
And we know that your narrative is still in the telling.
All that you are, all in yourself you love and hate and tolerate, all of your unique, unrepeatability and inviolable dignity.
You, my brother, my sister, are holy ground.
Excuse me while I take off my shoes.
"It is people that matter."
We mean it! Your life is sacred! We're so grateful that you'd like to connect, and are inviting us into your story.
The first step is a conversation. We like to start things off with a real, human connection. It's also a chance for you to get to know us, and to see if our spirituality and approach is what you're looking for. Click the button below to schedule a time to chat with one of our team members. After booking a time, you’ll receive an email containing a link to the confidential video call.
We look forward to chatting, and receiving your story!
Please note: Eden Invitation is not a crisis hotline. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please call or text 988.
Additionally, this form is specifically for people with an LGBT+ experience. If you'd like to contact us for resources or general questions about Eden Invitation, please visit our "contact us" page.
| COME & SEE |
"Belonging should aways be for becoming."
We want you to know you're not alone, and to grow in fellowship with other disciples along the way. That's why we offer several types of gatherings through Eden Invitation. Click on any box below for more information.
Please note: we expect our community members to strive to uphold a traditional sexual ethic and honor each other's confidentiality. We'll have you confirm your commitment to these principles before participating in any of our events. If you're doubting, searching, or still on the fence, that's ok! You're not excluded. However, out of respect for the community, we ask that you strive to commit to pursuing chastity during your time with us.
"If people come together to care for each other, it is because they feel...that as a group they have a mission."
Once you’ve participated in one of our gatherings, you’ll get connected to the growing movement! Our confidential online digital platform is a vehicle for deeper, ongoing conversations on topics ranging from culture to politics, from theology and philosophy, from prayer intentions to alpacas (don't ask). The platform also serves as a catalyst for community-driven social and formation events. Once you've connected through a book club or retreat, you can participate in growing local hubs, Hearth Groups, for monthly community and prayer. Right now our local hubs are sprouting up organically in a few regions.
Please note: At Eden Invitation, we value the whole person. We try to help our community be as incarnate as possible. That's why we restrict access to this platform until you've joined us for one of the "IRL" gatherings listed above. Thanks in advance for your patience & prayers as we continue to grow our team, making our offerings more frequent and accessible.