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“To whom do you belong?” | Genesis 32:17, 1 Samuel 30:13, Tobit 5:10, Judith 10:12


The Church has a rich tradition of packing a lot of meaning into seemingly simple images. Our Two-triangle logo keeps in that tradition:

  • The Downwards Triangle reminds us that everything is a gift from God. He cares for each Belovedly Unrepeatable person to the point of coming down to meet us in the Incarnation. Christ came to live with us, die for us, and bring us new life through the Paschal Mystery.
  • The Upwards Triangle represents our response to His Love– one of praise, thanksgiving, and Joyful Hope.
  • These two triangles are kept close in Mutual Belonging. Just as He is Three Persons in One God, each Person living in perfect complementarity and unity with each other– we are called to be in community, striving to receive each person and be received as Imago Dei, made in the Image of God. God promises us a beautiful, colorful inheritance– the holographic tint is a great reminder!


We know…it’s a lot put into one sticker. But it’ll still fit on your water bottle– we made sure to check.

• Hot-embossed, which creates a deep 3D pattern
• Durable vinyl, perfect for indoor use
• Fast and easy bubble-free application
Disclaimer: Please note that this product is suitable for indoor use only.

Product Category: Stickers
Shipping Cost for 1 or More Products in this Category: $3.99
Estimated Shipping Time: 8-10 Business Days

Eden Invitation Triangles | Holographic Sticker

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